Initial Assessment
75-90 minutes
This is your first visit. This includes discussing your medical history, symptoms, & lifestyle. We will get to talk about your specific goals, & any concerns you have. I will do a hands on assessment of your physical health including strength, flexibility, posture and coordination to determine how you can better care for your pelvic floor, starting at your initial evaluation. We will make a plan, start working towards those goals, & you will leave with a personalized program that fits your life.
Follow Up
45-60 minutes
We will work on different aspects at each visit using movement strategies, targeted exercises & manual therapy to bring you closer to your goals. You will leave with information on how to integrate these activities into your current lifestyle, feeling in charge of your pelvic health.
5 Visit Package
45-60 minutes
We will work on a program together that fits your needs and will help you meet your health goals.
Valid for One Year from Purchase
10 Visit Package
45-60 minutes - 10 Total Visits
We will work on a program together that fits your needs and will help you meet your health goals. This is also a great package to work on pre natal care, preparation for delivery, and postpartum recovery.
Valid for One Year from Purchase
Consultation: Phone Call
15 minutes
This appointment is for women who have more questions about Pelvic Health & want to know if this is right for them. I would love to talk about how Pelvic Wellness can improve your life.
Infant Developmental Evaluation
45-60 minutes
This appointment is for families who want to learn about their infants developmental motor skills. We will work through techniques you can incorporate into daily tasks like feeding, changing, & snuggling to promote development on a daily basis.